As an introvert, I spend a lot of time in my own thoughts and often catastrophize about the future. Overthinking and planning make me feel in control. But the thing is, none of us are in control of this pandemic, our lives, or our businesses.

All we have is the present, y’all. And panicking and stressing out about not being in control doesn’t help us serve our clients better. It doesn’t help us have a “spirit of service” as my guest today would say.

In today’s episode, I’m joined by one of the kindest people on the face of the planet, crazy talented interior designer Erika Ward. Erika has been through some intense life events that really tested her trust in a higher power and her ability to let go of control. We’re discussing how all creative entrepreneurs can find hope in the present moment and make sure our people know we’re here for them. Control is an illusion, but trust, faith, and hope are real.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • That you can’t have any type of relationship without trust.
  • How we as designers advocate for our clients.
  • How to respond when a client asks for something outside your scope of service.
  • How to step up your “clienteling” game.
  • The difference between your ideal client and an idealized client.
  • The importance of trusting something greater than yourself.

Listen to the Full Episode:

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