When you treat your business like a side hustle, that’s how others will see it. If you want your design work to become your bread and butter gig, start treating it like your bread and butter gig. That means knowing your worth and charging for it from the start.

My guest today is a perfect example of setting the tone for your business from day one. Even when she was working a corporate job, she invested in her design business like it was her full-time gig. By the time she was ready to take the leap, it was already established with safeguards and paying clients.

In today’s episode, I’m joined by one of my favorite people in the design industry, Cheryl Luckett. Cheryl has an interesting story of how she got into this industry and the strategies and plans she put in place before taking the plunge. She’s sharing how she went from corporate dietitian to nationally published, award-winning interior designer with a furniture line with Sylvester Alexander. She’s a big deal, y’all. 

If you’re wondering if you’re ready to shift your passion for design into a career, Cheryl’s advice will be super beneficial.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How Cheryl transitioned from corporate dietitian to highly sought-after designer.
  • Why Cheryl insisted on having a plan and safeguards in place.
  • The difference between having a side hustle and a bread and butter career.
  • Why interior design is worthy work even though it’s often misrepresented.
  • How Cheryl’s line with Sylvester Alexander came to be.
  • What has made Cheryl so successful with social media.

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