Last month, we kicked off a new series about creating rooms that support rest in your home, and the first type of rest we covered was physical rest.

Specifically, we looked at how our team approaches designing bedrooms that promote a good night’s sleep, which is essential to getting the physical rest you need and deserve. You can check out Creating Spaces for Physical Rest here if you missed that post

This month, we’re focusing on another equally important type of rest: mental rest.

What exactly is mental rest?

Mental rest is about allowing your mind to take it easy. Mental rest gives your brain a break from all the deep thinking and focusing it does most of the day so that you can relax and reset.

Most of us take the opportunity to give our brains a rest when we get home each evening and make our way to the living room. Here are some ways our team creates living rooms for our clients that support their mental rest.

Interior Design & Styling: Rachel Cannon Limited Interiors | Photo: Haylei Smith


1. Choose Calming Colors

When designing for mental rest (or rest of any kind), opt for a palette that brings tranquility to the space. Rooms with low contrast between tones create a serene atmosphere that encourages relaxation.

Interior Design & Styling: Rachel Cannon Limited Interiors | Photo: Haylei Smith


2. Comfortable Seating

A living room that has comfortable, plush seating invites you to sit back, relax, and give your mind time to focus on just one thing, like a book or crossword puzzle. Comfortable seating in your living room could mean a luxurious couch, a couple of soft armchairs, or even a sectional for your family to cozy up on for movie nights or to rewatch your favorite TV show.

Interior Design & Styling: Rachel Cannon Limited Interiors | Photo: Haylei Smith


3. Organized Storage to Keep Your Space Clutter-Free

Keeping your living room organized and free of clutter goes a long way toward supporting mental rest. Too much stuff can be visually overwhelming and stressful, and it’s just inviting your mind to start thinking of all the tasks you need to do. Our team always chooses intentional storage solutions to keep things out of sight while recognizing that our clients need places to put the things they use daily or occasionally.

Interior Design & Styling: Rachel Cannon Limited Interiors | Photo: Haylei Smith


4. Optimize Natural Light

Using natural light is one of our favorite ways to support mental rest for our clients. Fresh air and sunlight can have a significant positive impact on your mood and mental well-being. For evenings, we incorporate warm, soft lighting sources to maintain a relaxed ambiance.

Interior Design & Styling: Rachel Cannon Limited Interiors | Photo: Haylei Smith


5. Incorporate Plants

Adding some greenery can bring life to your space and improve air quality. Plants are not only visually calming but caring for them can also be a relaxing activity that quietens your mind as you focus solely on the task at hand.

Our goal is to create living rooms that optimize mental rest and relaxation opportunities so our clients can unwind from their busy lives. 

Remember, a well-designed living room is about more than just aesthetics; it is a haven that you can come to at the end of a long day to quiet your mind and let your brain rest before taking on the tasks that will be waiting for you tomorrow.

Ready to prioritize mental rest in your home? Contact us here.